What is Natural Language Understanding NLU?

Get to Know Natural Language Processing


Across various industries and applications, NLP and NLU showcase their unique capabilities in transforming the way we interact with machines. By understanding their distinct strengths and limitations, businesses can leverage these technologies to streamline processes, enhance customer experiences, and unlock new opportunities for growth and innovation. From deciphering speech to reading text, our brains work tirelessly to understand and make sense of the world around us. However, our ability to process information is limited to what we already know. Similarly, machine learning involves interpreting information to create knowledge.

The evolving landscape may lead to highly sophisticated, context-aware AI systems, revolutionizing human-machine interactions. NLP primarily focuses on surface-level aspects such as sentence structure, word order, and basic syntax. However, its emphasis is limited to language processing and manipulation without delving deeply into the underlying semantic layers of text or voice data.

Add-on sales and a feeling of proactive service for the customer provided in one swoop. How much can it actually understand what a difficult user says, and what can be done to keep the conversation going? These are some of the questions every company should ask before deciding on how to automate customer interactions. Protecting the security and privacy of training data and user messages is one of the most important aspects of building chatbots and voice assistants.

  • For example, data for a translation app is structured differently than data for a chatbot.
  • While NLP breaks down the language into manageable pieces for analysis, NLU interprets the nuances, ambiguities, and contextual cues of the language to grasp the full meaning of the text.
  • More precisely, it is a subset of the understanding and comprehension part of natural language processing.

NLG systems take structured data or information as input and generate coherent and contextually relevant natural language output. NLG is employed in various applications such as chatbots, automated report generation, summarization systems, and content creation. NLG algorithms employ techniques, to convert structured data into natural language narratives. Natural language processing (NLP) as the name suggests is an attempt to make computers understand and manipulate human language. The idea of NLP first came out in the 1950s and has evolved significantly since then.

NLP vs NLU: Understanding the Difference

AI plays an important role in automating and improving contact center sales performance and customer service while allowing companies to extract valuable insights. The first iteration of using NLP with IVRs eliminated the need for callers to use their phone’s keypad to interact with IVR menus. Instead of “pressing 1 for sales,” callers could just say “1” or “sales.” This is more convenient, but it’s very rule-based and still leaves customers to contend with often overly complex menu trees. Traditional interactive voice response (IVR) systems greet customers at the beginning of inbound calls, allow callers to interact with menus, and facilitate self-service. Most people know IVRs as the system that makes them “Press 1 for sales” and often makes it really hard to talk to an agent.

Already applied in healthcare, education, marketing, advertising, software development, and finance, they actively permeate the human resources field. For example, for HR specialists seeking to hire Node.js developers, the tech can help optimize the search process to narrow down the choice to candidates with appropriate skills and programming language knowledge. When an unfortunate incident occurs, customers file a claim https://chat.openai.com/ to seek compensation. As a result, insurers should take into account the emotional context of the claims processing. As a result, if insurance companies choose to automate claims processing with chatbots, they must be certain of the chatbot’s emotional and NLU skills. NLU skills are necessary, though, if users’ sentiments vary significantly or if AI models are exposed to explaining the same concept in a variety of ways.

And if you use a Nest thermostat, unlock your phone with facial recognition, or have ever said, “Alexa, turn off the lights,” you’re using artificial intelligence in your everyday life. NLU model improvements ensure your bots remain at the cutting edge of natural language processing (NLP) capabilities. NLP, NLU, and NLG are all branches of AI that work together to enable computers to understand and interact with human language. They work together to create intelligent chatbots that can understand, interpret, and respond to natural language queries in a way that is both efficient and human-like. NLU is the process of understanding a natural language and extracting meaning from it.

Integrating both technologies allows AI systems to process and understand natural language more accurately. To have a clear understanding of these crucial language processing concepts, let’s explore the differences between NLU and NLP by examining their scope, purpose, applicability, and more. These three domains, while independent, are often interconnected in complex AI systems. For example, a voice assistant uses NLP to extract information, NLU to understand the meaning, and NLG to formulate a natural response.

What Are the Technical Challenges of Developing AR & VR-Enabled Mobile Applications?

NLP and NLU, two subfields of artificial intelligence (AI), facilitate understanding and responding to human language. Over the past decade, how businesses sell or perform customer service has evolved dramatically due to changes in how customers interact with the business. This is forcing contact centers to explore new ways to use technology to ensure better customer experience, customer satisfaction, and retention. NLP and NLU are transforming marketing and customer experience by enabling levels of consumer insights and hyper-personalization that were previously unheard of. From decoding feedback and social media conversations to powering multilanguage engagement, these technologies are driving connections through cultural nuance and relevance. Where meaningful relationships were once constrained by human limitations, NLP and NLU liberate authentic interactions, heralding a new era for brands and consumers alike.

From the time we started, we have been using AI technologies like NLP, NLU & NLG to boost the contact center performance with live conversation intelligence. Our AI engine is able to uncover insights from 100% of customer interactions that maximizes frontline team performance through coaching and end-to-end workflow automation. With our AI technology, companies can act faster with real-time insights and guidance to improve performance, from more sales to higher retention.

IBM Watson® Natural Language Understanding uses deep learning to extract meaning and metadata from unstructured text data. Get underneath your data using text analytics to extract categories, classification, entities, keywords, sentiment, emotion, relations and syntax. NLU focuses on understanding the meaning and intent of human language, while NLP encompasses a broader range of language processing tasks, including translation, summarization, and text generation. The models examine context, previous messages, and user intent to provide logical, contextually relevant replies.

NLP algorithms excel at processing and understanding the form and structure of language. Through the combination of these two components of NLP, it provides a comprehensive solution for language processing. It enables machines to understand, generate, Chat GPT and interact with human language, opening up possibilities for applications such as chatbots, virtual assistants, automated report generation, and more. NLG is a subfield of NLP that focuses on the generation of human-like language by computers.

This enables machines to produce more accurate and appropriate responses during interactions. Whether you’re on your computer all day or visiting a company page seeking support via a chatbot, it’s likely you’ve interacted with a form of natural language understanding. When it comes to customer support, companies utilize NLU in artificially intelligent chatbots and assistants, so that they can triage customer tickets as well as understand customer feedback.

Because they can understand human speech and user intent, they’re capable of executing a much broader set of tasks, including facilitating complete, end-to-end self-service. And if self-service isn’t in the cards, these chatbots can gather information and pass it to an agent, which reduces handle times and labor costs. NLU and NLP have greatly impacted the way businesses interpret and use human language, enabling a deeper connection between consumers and businesses. By parsing and understanding the nuances of human language, NLU and NLP enable the automation of complex interactions and the extraction of valuable insights from vast amounts of unstructured text data.

But over time, natural language generation systems have evolved with the application of hidden Markov chains, recurrent neural networks, and transformers, enabling more dynamic text generation in real time. In machine learning (ML) jargon, the series of steps taken are called data pre-processing. The idea is to break down the natural language text into smaller and more manageable chunks. These can then be analyzed by ML algorithms to find relations, dependencies, and context among various chunks. For example, entity analysis can identify specific entities mentioned by customers, such as product names or locations, to gain insights into what aspects of the company are most discussed.

Large language model expands natural language understanding, moves beyond English – VentureBeat

Large language model expands natural language understanding, moves beyond English.

Posted: Mon, 12 Dec 2022 08:00:00 GMT [source]

Natural Language Understanding enables machines to understand a set of text by working to understand the language of the text. There are so many possible use-cases for NLU and NLP and as more advancements are made in this space, we will begin to see an increase of uses across all spaces. Using NLU, voice assistants can recognize spoken instructions and take action based on those instructions. For example, a user might say, “Hey Siri, schedule a meeting for 2 pm with John Smith.” The voice assistant would use NLU to understand the command and then access the user’s calendar to schedule the meeting. Similarly, a user could say, “Alexa, send an email to my boss.” Alexa would use NLU to understand the request and then compose and send the email on the user’s behalf. Both technologies are widely used across different industries and continue expanding.

A key limitation of this approach is that it requires users to have enough information about the data to frame the right questions. The guided approach to NLQ addresses this limitation by adding capabilities that proactively guide users to structure their data questions using modeled questions, autocomplete suggestions, and other relevant filters and options. In conclusion, NLP, NLU, and NLG play vital roles in the realm of artificial intelligence and language-based applications. Therefore, NLP encompasses both NLU and NLG, focusing on the interaction between computers and human language.

False positives arise when a customer asks something that the system should know but hasn’t learned yet. Conversational AI can recognize pertinent segments of a discussion and provide help using its current knowledge, while also recognizing its limitations. When a customer asks for several things at the same time, such as different products, boost.ai’s conversational AI can easily distinguish between the multiple variables. Measure F1 score, model confidence, and compare the performance of different NLU pipeline configurations, to keep your assistant running at peak performance. All NLU tests support integration with industry-standard CI/CD and DevOps tools, to make testing an automated deployment step, consistent with engineering best practices. Rasa Open Source is the most flexible and transparent solution for conversational AI—and open source means you have complete control over building an NLP chatbot that really helps your users.


Understanding NLP is the first step toward exploring the frontiers of language-based AI and ML. In the NLG focuses the generation of a natural language from structured data (learn more). This is an essential step for human-machine interactions by making answers more accessible to the user. NLU enables computers to understand the sentiments expressed in a natural language used by humans, such as English, French or Mandarin, without the formalized syntax of computer languages.

NLI also establishes an ontology, a structured framework delineating the interrelations among words and phrases. It involves understanding the intent behind a user’s input, whether it be a query or a request. NLU-powered chatbots and virtual assistants can accurately recognize user intent and respond accordingly, providing a more seamless customer experience. In NLU systems, natural language input is typically in the form of either typed or spoken language. Text input can be entered into dialogue boxes, chat windows, and search engines. Similarly, spoken language can be processed by devices such as smartphones, home assistants, and voice-controlled televisions.

And AI-powered chatbots have become an increasingly popular form of customer service and communication. From answering customer queries to providing support, AI chatbots are solving several problems, and businesses are eager to adopt them. But while playing chess isn’t inherently easier than processing language, chess does have extremely well-defined rules. There are certain moves each piece can make and only a certain amount of space on the board for them to move. Computers thrive at finding patterns when provided with this kind of rigid structure.

NLP has the potential to revolutionize industries such as healthcare, customer service, information retrieval, and language education, among others. NLP full form is Natural Language Processing (NLP) is an exciting field that focuses on enabling computers to understand and interact with human language. It involves the development of algorithms and techniques that allow machines to read, interpret, and respond to text or speech in a way that resembles human comprehension. The NLU module extracts and classifies the utterances, keywords, and phrases in the input query, in order to understand the intent behind the database search. NLG becomes part of the solution when the results pertaining to the query are generated as written or spoken natural language. The earliest language models were rule-based systems that were extremely limited in scalability and adaptability.

NLU algorithms can be used to understand the meaning and context of the text, and to extract information that can be used to perform specific actions, such as answering questions or carrying out commands. These tasks are focused on Semantics, which is the study of the meaning of words and phrases, and Discourse Analysis which is the study of the relationship between sentences. NLP is a broad field that covers a wide range of techniques and algorithms used to understand and manipulate human language.

NLP is already so commonplace in our everyday lives that we usually don’t even think about it when we interact with it or when it does something for us. For example, maybe your email or document creation app automatically suggests a word or phrase you could use next. You may ask a virtual assistant, like Siri, to remind you to water your plants on Tuesdays. Or you might ask Alexa to tell you details about the last big earthquake in Chile for your daughter’s science project. Explore the results of an independent study explaining the benefits gained by Watson customers. Check out IBM’s embeddable AI portfolio for ISVs to learn more about choosing the right AI form factor for your commercial solution.

Let’s illustrate this example by using a famous NLP model called Google Translate. As seen in Figure 3, Google translates the Turkish proverb “Damlaya damlaya göl olur.” as “Drop by drop, it becomes a lake.” This is an exact word by word translation of the sentence. Our IVR technology paired with NLU means bots can identify and resolve a wide range of interactions and understand when they need to hand off to a human agent.

It’s like taking the first step into a whole new world of language-based technology. Consider leveraging our Node.js development services to optimize its performance and scalability. Furthermore, based on specific use cases, we will investigate the scenarios in which favoring one skill over the other becomes more profitable for organizations. This research will provide you with the insights you need to determine which AI solutions are most suited to your organization’s specific needs. Consider a scenario in which a group of interns is methodically processing a large volume of sensitive documents within an insurance business, law firm, or hospital. Their critical role is to process these documents correctly, ensuring that no sensitive information is accidentally shared.

Enhance contact center automation with NLU tools developed over 24+ years

NLG’s core function is to explain structured data in meaningful sentences humans can understand.NLG systems try to find out how computers can communicate what they know in the best way possible. So the system must first learn what it should say and then determine how it should say it. An NLU system can typically start with an arbitrary piece of text, but an NLG system begins with a well-controlled, detailed picture of the world. If you give an idea to an NLG system, the system synthesizes and transforms that idea into a sentence.

To learn more about Yseop’s solutions and to better understand how this can translate to your business, please contact Natural Language Processing(NLP) is a subset of Artificial intelligence which involves communication between a human and a machine using a natural language than a coded or byte language. It provides the ability to give instructions to machines in a more easy and efficient manner. This specific type of NLU technology focuses on identifying entities within human speech.

NLU enables computers to understand what someone meant, even if they didn’t say it perfectly. The algorithms we mentioned earlier contribute to the functioning of natural language generation, enabling it to create coherent and contextually relevant text or speech. Together, NLU and natural language generation enable NLP to function effectively, providing a comprehensive language processing solution. NLU analyzes data using algorithms to determine its meaning and reduce human speech into a structured ontology consisting of semantic and pragmatic definitions. Structured data is important for efficiently storing, organizing, and analyzing information. However, the full potential of NLP cannot be realized without the support of NLU.

All this has sparked a lot of interest both from commercial adoption and academics, making NLP one of the most active research topics in AI today. But before any of this natural language processing can happen, the text needs to be standardized. You can foun additiona information about ai customer service and artificial intelligence and NLP. If you’re interested in learning more about what goes into making AI for customer support possible, be sure to check out this blog on how machine learning can help you build a powerful knowledge base. Natural Language Understanding is also making things like Machine Translation possible.

As the digital world continues to expand, so does the volume of unstructured data. Here, NLU becomes invaluable, providing businesses with the tools to understand and utilize this data effectively. A sophisticated NLU solution should be able to rely on a comprehensive bank of data and analysis to help it recognize entities and the relationships between them. It should be able  to understand complex sentiment and pull out emotion, effort, intent, motive, intensity, and more easily, and make inferences and suggestions as a result. Knowledge of that relationship and subsequent action helps to strengthen the model.

  • It allows computers to simulate the thinking of humans by recognizing complex patterns in data and making decisions based on those patterns.
  • A chatbot may use NLP to understand the structure of a customer’s sentence and identify the main topic or keyword.
  • It reveals public opinion, customer satisfaction, and sentiment toward products, services, or issues.
  • The future of NLU looks promising, with predictions suggesting a market growth that underscores its increasing indispensability in business and consumer applications alike.
  • It is a technology that can lead to more efficient call qualification because software employing NLU can be trained to understand jargon from specific industries such as retail, banking, utilities, and more.

Natural Language Understanding deconstructs human speech using trained algorithms until it forms a structured ontology, or a set of concepts and categories that have established relationships with one another. This computational linguistics data model is then applied to text or speech as in the example above, first identifying key parts of the language. In essence, while NLP focuses on the mechanics of language processing, such as grammar and syntax, NLU delves deeper into the semantic meaning and context of language.


Millions of businesses already use NLU-based technology to analyze human input and gather actionable insights. This is particularly important, given the scale of unstructured text that is generated on an everyday basis. NLU-enabled technology will be needed to get the most out of this information, nlu/nlp and save you time, money and energy to respond in a way that consumers will appreciate. Using our example, an unsophisticated software tool could respond by showing data for all types of transport, and display timetable information rather than links for purchasing tickets.

For example, data for a translation app is structured differently than data for a chatbot. Here’s how the data in the paragraph above might look as structured data for an app that can help match dogs with potential adopters. These leverage artificial intelligence to make sense of complex data sets, generating written narratives accurately, quickly and at scale.


Latin, English, Spanish, and many other spoken languages are all languages that evolved naturally over time. Data capture is the process of extracting information from paper or electronic documents and converting it into data for key systems. IVR, or Interactive Voice Response, is a technology that lets inbound callers use pre-recorded messaging and options as well as routing strategies to send calls to a live operator. At Kommunicate, we envision a world-beating customer support solution to empower the new era of customer support. We would love to have you on board to have a first-hand experience of Kommunicate. While often used interchangeably, NLP and NLU represent distinct aspects of language processing.

In traditional Natural Language techniques, the question is pulled into a graph structure that deconstructs the sentence the way you did in elementary school. By considering clients’ habits and hobbies, nowadays chatbots recommend holiday packages to customers (see Figure 8). Sentiment analysis, thus NLU, can locate fraudulent reviews by identifying the text’s emotional character. For instance, inflated statements and an excessive amount of punctuation may indicate a fraudulent review. In this section, we will introduce the top 10 use cases, of which five are related to pure NLP capabilities and the remaining five need for NLU to assist computers in efficiently automating these use cases. Figure 4 depicts our sample of 5 use cases in which businesses should favor NLP over NLU or vice versa.

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