Internship Program.

Human Rights

The program is designed to expose law/political science/international development and co-operation undergraduates and MBA students.

Human rights/Legal/Governance/Corruption/Civic education

The program is designed to expose law/political science/international development and co-operation undergraduates and MBA students an opportunity to work in the fields of sustainable development, politics and political parties, good governance in public institutions, government ministries, corruption and its costs and effects to the economy, human rights abuse – torture, extra judicial killings, election violence, conflict resolution and management for warring communities due to land and water, domestic violence, provision of legal aid, youth in decision making process (Politics, Socio-economic spheres).

The students gain practical knowledge and experience, work side by side with professionals in different fields, are assigned task/duties to carry out, take part in stake holder meetings, research , reports and make filed visits.

Human Rights

This program involves provision of medical and psychological care to survivors and victims of torture through a network of doctors and counselors, conducting of postmortems, counseling and medical care to victims of torture and forensic documentation of torture cases. Activities focus on documenting the effects of torture, rehabilitation of survivors of torture and/or their families through provision of medical care – both physical and psychological, provision of post-mortem services cases suspected of death due to torture and legal redress. These services are provided through a countrywide network of healthcare professionals, doctors, pathologists and counselling psychologists.
The program is charged with the responsibility of providing legal advice to all clients based on forensic medical evidence available, co-ordinating the representation of clients in court by lawyers.

The program also conducts capacity building on torture and human rights targeting health care practitioners, lawyers, counselors, journalists, civil society representatives, paralegals and students

The program also focuses on rights of children such as access to education, food, clothing, shelter, proper care, freedom from child labour, child sex workers, physical and emotional abuse, negligence by parents. In addition the program focuses on women rights such right to inherit property, right to own land, counseling and emotional support, domestic abuse for both gender.

Legal aid services, civic education, legal awareness, policy and advocacy.

The students will be working with professionals in the field of law, human rights advocacy and lobbying, follow up of cases, counseling, among others, the student will have his/her work station under supervision of the consultant, assignments will be given, research, in some cases take part in meetings, M & E. At the end of the program the student will be expected to give a report.


The anti-corruption research component involved carrying out a research study that focused on the legal and institutional framework governing public sector audit as well as waste in State Corporations as reported by the Auditor General (Corporations) and, subsequently, examined by the Public Investment Committee of Parliament.

In Kenya, essential public services are failing, especially for the poorest members of society. Conventional approaches to tackling this challenge have focused on tracking money spent rather than results achieved. Accountability to citizens and communities has largely been absent. Access to Information: To provide citizens with information on the leadership, governance structure and budgets of the Government of Kenya, so that they can monitor the performance of the Government.

The problem of corruption bad governance, human rights abuses and impunity in Kenya is made worse by scarcity of public information, which in turn secures impunity among public officers and elected officials. Government in Kenya holds a large amount of information particularly about service delivery and budgets, which are not publicly accessible, and there is no Freedom of Information law in Kenya to facilitate easy public access to essential information about Government functions and operations.

The students will be working with professionals in the field of politics, advocacy and lobbying for transparency and good governance, researching on effects of corruption on economic development, among others, the student will have his/her work station under supervision of the consultant, assignments will be given, research, in some cases take part in meetings, M & E. At the end of the program the student will be expected to give a report.

Democracy, Governance, Leadership and Youth

The program seeks to significantly contribute to empowerment of young people for informed participation in governance, democratic and development process in the country. The main focus area is to continuously develop and strengthen the leadership and knowledge capacity of young Kenyans in key sectors of the society on various issues of leadership, governance. The program seeks to It seeks to increase youth participation through leadership in governance and constitutional structure.

The students will be working with professionals in the field of youth and leadership, advocacy and lobbying for youth in decision making,  entrepreneurship, incorporating the MDG in empowerment of women and youth, the student will have his/her work station under supervision of the consultant, assignments will be given, research, in some cases take part in meetings, M & E. At the end of the program the student will be expected to give a report.