oxford house traditions

It also acts as the coordinating body to help individual houses to organize mutually supportive chapters. Through chapters individual houses are able to share their experience, strength and hope with each other to assure compliance with the Oxford House concept and its respected standardized system of operations. The members of an Oxford House assume full responsibility for the operation of the House. The rent that is charged the members is determined by the members themselves in a democratic fashion. The rules which govern the house are for the most part also made by those who live in a particular Oxford House Such autonomy is essential for the Oxford House system to work. The only members who will ever be asked to leave an Oxford House are those who return to drinking, using drugs, or have disruptive behavior, including the nonpayment of rent.

Self-run, Self-supported Recovery Houses

Therefore, it is important that each Oxford House meet these minimum responsibilities in order for its charter to be continued. All Oxford Houses have been careful to avoid undo dependence on government or other outside funds. In deference to that tradition, Oxford House has never sought nor obtained sponsorship from any AA or NA group. Oxford House members value the Sixth Tradition of Alcoholics Anonymous (and Narcotics Anonymous) too greatly for themselves to try to get either movement deeply involved in the organizing, financing, or sponsorship of any Oxford House. However, Oxford House members firmly believe that the Oxford House concept can expand as an independent entity, while fully utilizing the benefits of Alcoholics Anonymous and/or Narcotics Anonymous.

Business meetings

oxford house traditions

Modest rooms and living facilities can become luxurious suites when viewed from an environment of alcoholics working together for comfortable sobriety. During the last days of our drinking or using drugs, most of us ceased to function as responsible individuals. We were not only dependent upon alcohol and/or drugs, but were also dependent on many others for continuing our alcoholic and/or drug addicted ways. When we stopped drinking or using drugs, we began to realize just how dependent we had become. For those of us who had been in institutions or half-way houses, resentments against authority were common. Those facilities provided us with shelter, food, and therapy for understanding alcoholism.

How to Start an Oxford House

  • Oxford Houses flourish in metropolitan areas, such as New York City and Washington D.C.
  • The Board of Directors maintains the sole right to Charter, and to revoke the Charter of, individual Oxford Houses and exercises authority over the policies and officers of Oxford House, Inc.
  • Individuals typically enter an Oxford House after completing a treatment program or reentering from a correctional setting.
  • Third, an Oxford House must, in essence be a good member of the community by obeying the laws and paying its bills.

No Oxford House can tolerate the use of alcohol or drugs by one of its members because that threatens the sobriety of all of the members. Neither can an Oxford House function if some do not pay their fair share of the costs. Each House represents a remarkably effective and low cost method of preventing relapse. This was the oxford house traditions purpose of the first Oxford House established in 1975, and this purpose is served, day by day, house after house, in each of over 2000 houses in the United States today. The number of residents in a House may range from six to fifteen; there are houses for men, houses for women, and houses which accept women with children.

The Oxford House Organization

Oxford Houses flourish in metropolitan areas, such as New York City and Washington D.C. And thrive in such diverse communities, as Hawaii, Washington State, Canada and Australia; but they all abide by the basic criteria. The opportunity for a house to democratically function requires periodic meetings within the house — at least once a week. Such meetings should be used to resolve any operational or personality problems facing the house.

oxford house traditions

  • In this way, Oxford House, Inc. remains responsive to the needs of the population it serves.
  • Those facilities provided us with shelter, food, and therapy for understanding alcoholism.
  • Three or more Oxford Houses within a 100-mile radius comprise an Oxford House Chapter.
  • During the last days of our drinking or using drugs, most of us ceased to function as responsible individuals.
  • In their enthusiasm, they have been anxious to share Oxford House with any recovering alcoholics and drug addicts who want to establish an Oxford House in their community.
  • When we stopped drinking, we began to realize that in order to stay stopped, our lives would need to change.

Three or more Oxford Houses within a 100 mile radius comprise an Oxford House Chapter. A representative of each House in the Chapter meets with the others on a monthly basis, to exchange information, to seek resolution of problems in a particular House, and to express that Chapter’s vote on larger issues. See the Chapters Page for more information.The World Council is comprised of 12 members, 9 of which presently live in an Oxford House, 3 who are alumni. One of https://ecosoberhouse.com/ the greatest threats to the sobriety of a recovering alcoholic or drug addict is loneliness. At a time when we acquired a serious desire to stop drinking or using drugs, many of us had lost our families and friends because of our alcoholism and/or drug addiction. Too often, newly recovering alcoholics and drug addicts are faced with the necessity of living alone and of relying solely on contacts with Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous to stay sober.

  • (Since 1989, many new Oxford Houses have taken advantage of state revolving loan programs.
  • Living within an Oxford House provides both the opportunity and motivation for all residents to regularly attend AA and/or NA meetings.
  • The Board of Directors,  maintains the sole right to Charter and revoke the Charter of individual Oxford Houses and exercises authority over the policies and officers of Oxford House, Inc.
  • The rules which govern the house are for the most part also made by those who live in a particular Oxford House Such autonomy is essential for the Oxford House system to work.

One can only be dismissed from an Oxford House because of drinking, using drugs, non-payment of rent, or disruptive behavior. Every opportunity should be given to a member who needs professional help to see that he obtains it. The reason that each Oxford House is independent arises from the very practical consideration that those who are closest to a situation are best able to manage it. If an Oxford House follows the democratic principles and traditions of Oxford House, Inc., it should have no difficulty in running smoothly.

Oxford House Manual: Chapter Manual: Sharing the Experience, Strength, and Hope of Oxford Houses for the Common Good

oxford house traditions

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