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Offline Payments can be made is through:

1. Via a wire transfer to our EQUITY BANK KENYA with the following details:

Account Number 
Bank Code
Swift Code 
Beneficiary Name
Account Number

2. Bank Address:

Equity Bank Kenya  P.o. Box  Nairobi Kenya 

Your privacy is important to us. We know that you care about how information about you is used. We want to share with you the Internet policies and practices we have adopted to protect your privacy so that you feel confident about how we handle the personal information you entrust to us

Donation Total: $10.00

Что такое фиксация прибыли на брокерском счете

Если компания не платит дивиденды, но акции подорожали и вы решили их не продавать, то фактического дохода не будет. Существует огромная разница между портфелем и планом, подчеркивает автор. Портфель акций, взаимных фондов, ETF или любых других инвестиций — это то, что вы купили. Именно поэтому необходим инвестиционный план, который и будет направлять действия инвестора. Нефтегазовый […]

What Is Sentiment Analysis? The Ultimate Business Guide

What is Sentiment Analysis? A Comprehensive Sentiment Analysis Guide For example, polarity detection is the simplest type, which classifies the text as positive, negative, or neutral based on the overall tone. Emotion detection, on the other hand, identifies the specific emotions expressed in the text, such as happiness, anger, sadness, or surprise. Aspect-based sentiment analysis […]

What Is A Bounced Check?

This situation arises when the maker did not have sufficient funds in the underlying account to cover the amount of the check. When this situation occurs, the bank will likely charge a fee to the maker. If the maker has an overdraft protection agreement with its bank, then the bank will lend the shortfall to […]

It also acts as the coordinating body to help individual houses to organize mutually supportive chapters. Through chapters individual houses are able to share their experience, strength and hope with each other to assure compliance with the Oxford House concept and its respected standardized system of operations. The members of an Oxford House assume full […]

Cloud Scalability: Definition And Four Technical Approaches

We normally scale by dividing the workload among servers to decrease the variety of requests each server gets. In cloud computing, horizontal scaling involves adding extra situations instead of utilizing a a lot bigger server. Moreover, it prevents useful resource cloud computing elasticity vs scalability wastage, as methods are scaled down during periods of low […]

3 Types of Crypto Wallets for Beginners

Content Be sure to set up a change address Cryptocurrencies Volatility: What Is It Black, Grey, and White Swans: How Predictable Are Market Shocks? Secure Wallet Generation & Safekeeping Hot Wallets v/s Cold Paper Wallets? The Cantillon Effect: Why Early Access to Money Matters A blockchain wallet allows users to store, manage, and trade cryptocurrency […]

Представляющий брокер IB: Определение, роль, регистрация, примеры Финансовая энциклопедия

Хотя открытие брокерской компании «white label» может быть хорошим вариантом для ветеранов, простота и относительно низкий риск открытия IB могут сделать его лучшим вариантом для новичков. Таким образом, стартап-брокеры могут зарекомендовать себя как будущие лидеры отрасли. Представляющий брокер выступает в качестве посредника, соединяя физических и юридических лиц, желающих получить доступ к финансовым рынкам, с контрагентами, […]