Make a Donation
We know sometimes that individuals are caught up in their busy life schedule. We understand most individual(s) cannot volunteer physically but you can donate or support in several ways such as:
Music Program
We need Guitars, Violin, Trumpet, Trombone, Clarinet, Saxophone, Flutes, Drums, Mixer (16 or 12 channels) Microphone (condensed) Piano/keyboard (7 octaves), as our target group cannot afford these instruments because of the associated costs.
Micro Finance
We are looking for investors/partners who can support a multiple of viable business projects and can get their rate of return, or institutions willing to give grants to some of the income generating activities.
Pamoja is looking for fair trade partners who can buy our handi craft products, in this way we can support and create employment to young people by contracting them when we have markets. We are looking for individuals who can distribute our products in North and South Africa, North America, Asia and European markets. Need volunteers who can teach several women groups on pastry and baking (mainly Pizza and bread) as a form of income generating activity, food processing techniques (juice extracts), appropriate technology (making candles).
We are seeking individuals, who can sponsor children in their Secondary education, in form of tuition fee, books, uniforms and development fees. Currently our education system is 8-4-4 8 years of primary which is “free” 4 years of secondary and 4 years of university. Education is Kenya is expensive and not within the reach of most people. Most students do not progress to secondary level because of school fees.